
Music From 'La Rayar' (2018) by Federale

From day one, the 7 musicians that made up Federale understood their mission. This was not meant to be a mere rock band. Federale was to write and play soundtracks to films that did not exist.

Ten years ago (2008), Federale released its first record, “La Rayar.” The release of this film-inspired concept record tells a classic tale of vengeance, revenge, and redemption. The arrangements would include whistling, trumpet, twangy guitars, sound effects, and heavily effected keyboard parts. A narration (in Spanish) guides the listener through the story, helping to fill the gaps left by the lack of an actual film. Characters are betrayed, they seek revenge, one falls close to death and experiences a psychedelic vision, and it all builds to a climactic gun duel between the forces of Good and Evil in the album’s final song.

In the ten years that followed Federale went on to have songs in real soundtracks such as “The LEGO Movie” (2014). They formed a partnership with indie film maker Ana Lily Amirpour creating music for her acclaimed gothic vampire film noir, “A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night” (2014), and “The Bad Batch” (2016). And they have released three more varied yet similarly cinematic records. They also wrote a theme song to Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained (2012), which did not get used. A point of contention for Federale to this day.

Currently, Federale are close to releasing their 5th studio record (as of yet untitled). But before they do, we will take a moment to celebrate their first: “La Rayar.” This re-release marks Federale’s first release through Fluff & Gravy Records! The album has been updated from its original form in several ways. It has been re-mixed, re-mastered, and some tracks have even been re-recorded! It also features re-imagined artwork & represents the album’s first release on Vinyl! 

Federale Tour Dates