Nick Jaina releases Brutal Lives

Nick Jaina’s Brutal Lives Now Available

Brutal-Lives-Cover-webNick Jaina’s “broken-hearted chops once again shine” (Vortex Magazine) on what is easily his most daring record to date. The 14-track album primarily features work that he originally composed for a contemporary dance piece in the summer of 2014. These pieces were all rejected by the choreographer, often with no other explanation other than that they were “too sad.” Nick thought the recordings had some value in them, so he refashioned them into songs, adding vocals and choruses and found sounds to give them a different life.

Due to the unusual provenance of the recordings, almost every instrument was played and recorded by Nick himself. He gave the collection of songs the title that he proposed for the original dance piece, which was also rejected: Vies Brutales, orBrutal Lives.

Available streaming or digitally at on-line retailers right now. Settle in and give it a listen.




Find Brutal Lives Here









Fluff and Gravy Records